
2023-09-24 camp, gear

sunsetclimax オリジナルテント Cell01 完成。( 後編 – 製造編 )


Let us explain about the manufacture of tent.


Cell01 のフレーム、幕本体の制作全てを担当いただいているのが、すでにリリース済みのカーミットチェアスカイブルーや、Dog cot の張り生地など制作いただいております、「 未来テクノ株式会社 」様です。


The Tent and poles of Cell01 are all produced by Mirai Techno Co., Ltd. They produce Kermit Chair Sky Blue and Dog cot as well, which has already been released.



Mirai Techno manufactures equipment for the Self-Defense Forces and marine civil engineering materials in Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture. They support Japan’s garment industry with our abundant experience and technology.



この度、Cell 01をデザインを実現する為に、試し張りをしては、まるで彫刻作品を作るかの様に、生地をつまみ固定し、綺麗な曲線になる様に、マーカーで試し張りをしているテントに直接ラインを描き、再度設計、生地を裁断、再縫製など、、何度も何度も何度も、、、



In order to realize the design of Cell 01, they tried stretching the fabric, pinching it and fixing it as if I was making a sculpture. They drew a line directly on the prototype with a marker to make a beautiful curve, re-designed it, cut the fabric, re-sewn it, etc. over and over again…

After repeated trial and error (perhaps a dozen times…), this beautiful tent was completed.

We would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. S, who was in charge, and all the other staff members for their hard work. Thank you!

■ 貴重な3Dイメージを基に最初に試作したCell01の写真 。。。お恥ずかしい仕上がりでしたのでモザイク処理しております。。
■ 数回試作を繰り返し、少しマシになりましたがまだモザイク処理レベル。。
■ 何度も何度も調整を繰り返し。。本当にご苦労様でした。。
■ やっと形が見えてきた段階。。。(でもまだモザイクです)
■ フレーム1つ決めるのにも何種類のも仕上げ方法を検討。
■ 組み立て易さなど何度も改良を重ねて来ました。
■ 収納ケース検討中の画



The sewing section is operated with a small number of elite craftsmen. It must be so many sewing techniques to achieve a wrinkle-free upholstery.

■ 担当者様、職人様が一体となって美しい製品作りを目指しています。

全てのCell01は、1点1点製造工場内にて試張りをし、「 全数検品 」にて品質チェックの上出荷となります。


All finished product of Cell01 are tested one by one in Mirai Techno manufacturing factory, and quality is checked through a “100% inspection” before shipping.



sunsetclimxの製品は、カーミットチェアのフレームを除き全て「 メイドインジャパン 」ですが、

その一番の醍醐味は、様々な担当の方や職人さんと「 密に直接コミュニケーションが取れる 」という所にあります。




sunsetclimx’s products are all “Made in Japan” ( except for the Kermit chair frame )

The worthy of a special mention is that we can communicate directly and closely with the various people in charge and craftsmen.

This is exactly same case with this Cell01, and we have made improvements based on the opinions we received through direct interaction from them before it was completed.

We were able to create a better product by sharing the goal of the product with everyone involved, right up to the finish product.




「 我々の場合は 」ですが、今回の様なプロセスを海外での製造をお願いするという事は、現実問題として中々難しいと感じていますし、



In our case, we feel that it would be quite difficult to request a process like this to be manufactured overseas. We would be happy if you, users could feel the background behind the process of Cell01 and use them with even more love.




We hope that Cell01 is spread out in various fields, and the connections between users are also expanding just like a cell.

■ 価格について





■ About price

As for the price, we wanted to keep it at around 350,000 (excluding tax) though, we will be selling it for 400,000 yen (excluding tax) because of a result of looking into the specifications. Also, there are unexpected various factors such as the current situation in the world as well. We understood that the price cannot be easily purchased. We hope you welcome Cell 01.



■ 購入方法について




最後に、SNS等でも注意喚起をしておりますが、「 転売目的 」の方は、どうぞ、ご購入はご遠慮ください。



■ How to purchase

Cell01 has a limited quantity so it will depend on the number of applications.

We are thinking of accepting pre-order with advance payment for Cell01.

If our sunsetclimax fans knows that they can reliably purchase items, we strongly hope we can reduce some malicious buyers which do resale items with high price.

Although we are warning our users on social media, please refrain from purchasing if you are intending to resell.

Also, please do not purchase malicious resold items with high prices. We work hard and create sunsetclimax outdoor gears for those who really want to use ours.



予約販売受付は 9月 25日 19時よりスタートです。



We are going to accept pre-order at 7pm on 25. September.

We are looking forward to see you there!